The CSSCI Paper Writing and Publishing Workshop (Phase II) of the Graduate Academic Training Camp of SFL, SJTU Successfully Held


On the evening of May 30th, the second lecture of “ CSSCI (Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index) Paper Writing and Publishing Workshop" of the graduate academic training camp of the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was successfully held in the cloud. Professor Chang Hui, Associate Professor Pang Shuangzi and Xiang Keshu, a Ph.D.graduate of class 2022 delivered the lecture, and nearly 100 teachers and students listened online. The event was hosted by Zhang Hongyu, a Ph.D. student of Graduate Class of 2019. 


Professor Chang Hui focused on why to publish a paper, the elements of a good paper, and the process and work necessary for paper writing and publishing, showing the basic requirements and necessary procedures and work of an innovative paper. Based on his own experience, Professor Chang talked about how he found the research field he was interested in during his studies, how he maintained his love and dedication to scientific research, and encouraged everyone to integrate academic research into their life, make it a part of their life,and enjoy it.Only love can last for a long time.He encouraged everyone to write more, submit more, to think diligently, wisely and more in selecting topics, and at the same time, budget one’s time and find out the writing rules that fit you. The united forces of “thinking, creating and endeavoring” can make a big difference.


By sharing her own experience in the field of scientific research and creation, Associate Professor Pang Shuangzhi shared her experience on paper creation and publication.She pointed out that the premise of writing a good thesis was extensive reading, not only to track domestic literature, but also to track foreign literature, not only to read intentionally, but also to read unintentionally. The literature and books that we have read will be transformed into fertile ground for scientific research. Researchers needed to dig deep in their own fields, and the research of young scholars was hoped to be sustainable and extensible. Finally, she provided valuable guidance for young scholars in terms of thesis writing, including the traceability of the content, the logic of the expression, the academic nature of the language, and the tireless revision of the thesis.



Dr. Xiang Keshu used his own experience in writing and publishing papers to encourage young scholars to think hard, work hard, invest enough time in scientific research, communicate frequently with supervisors, and try to comply with supervisor’s research direction. He suggested that one should be quite familiar with the representative journals at home and abroad, pay attention to the cutting-edge trends of the journals, and get research inspiration and ideas by long-term tracking and reading them. In thesis writing,efficiency was also very important. By sharing his writing and submission experience, he encouraged young scholars to produce more and submit more, so that they can gain more. Finally, he wished the SFL students to keep their love and confidence in scientific research.
During the question and answer session,SFL students actively participated and asked questions. The three teachers gave detailed answers to questions such as how to organize literature, how to use common software tools, and how to collect experimental data. The atmosphere of was lively and the response was enthusiastic. The three speakers' unique understanding of CSSCI paper writing impressed the participants and benefited them a lot.

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